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Athlete Profile
AJ Pryer
When did you join Peninsula CrossFit?
Oct 2018
What is your favourite WOD or movement?
Favourite movement is hands down the squat snatch. My favourite WOD was the open workout with snatching and bar muscle ups.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
This may sound corny but after being away from CrossFit for 3 years my proudest accomplishment has been stepping into PCF and back into CrossFit. I love the family we have at PCF and in only a short time I feel like I have lifelong friends.
Do you have any advice for someone just starting CrossFit?
The hardest thing you will ever do is chose to walk through the doors. Once you do you will discover so much about what you can accomplish. So much of CrossFit is mental. Our bodies will do much more then our minds let us think we can do. Celebrate all victories big and small. Lifting big weight is a rush but so is your first pull-up or first push up. Celebrate it all cause we will with you.
What are your goals for this year?
Snatching 200lbs