Friday December 13, 2019

PCF Christmas Party tonight at 5pm! There is no 5:30pm class

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Mins
Mobility: 1-2 Mins
20 banded shoulder press
20 banded pull aparts
20 banded OH squats
20 bicep curls
10 burpees

Shoulders Boulders (6×12)

EMOM 12 mins:
1 shoulder press
2 push press
3 push jerk
Ensure you pick a manageable weight where you can go unbroken each minute.

Legnog (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 back squats 75/55
15 reverse lunges 75/55 (not walking)
15 good mornings 75/55
30 double unders

20 double unders

35/25 or 15#
50 single unders

This should not be a heavy barbell. Choose your weight accordingly.