Friday June 1, 2018

Warm Up 126 (No Measure)

EMOM 6 minutes:

30 sec row

30 sec rest


15 air squats

15 scap pullups

15 situps

Sumo Deadlift (6×6)

maintain across all 6 sets

heavy for today

Metcon (Time)

3 RFT:

12 chest to bar pullups

6 front squats @185/135

12 toes to bar

6 power cleans @185/135

-gymastics should be close to unbroken.

-barbell weight should be smooth and not break form.

scale 1:

8 chest to bar pullups

6 front squats @150/105

8 toes to bar

6 power cleans @150/105

scale 2:

12 pullups (kipping or with band)

6 front squats @95/65

12 knee raises

6 power cleans @95/65

Metcon (No Measure)

Core work:

100 russian twists @45/25lbs