Friday March 27, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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WOD Explanation Videos:

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 1-2 Min of Thoracic Extension (5 Sec Hold/5 Sec Soak) w/ Elbows on box, chair, couch, or bench


2 Sets of

10 Lying WY

10 Shoulder Taps in Plank

10 Ankle Taps from Plank

Metcon (No Measure)

Lifting w/ PVC, Broomstick, or Barbell

Snatch High Pull + Tall Snatch + Snatch 8 x (3+3+3)

Tall Clean + Clean and Power Jerk + Split Jerk 8 x (3+3+3)

Metcon (Weight)

2 x EMOM 6:

Min 1: 5-10 Sumo Deadlift

Min 2: 3-5 Kneeling Jump to Box Jump/Squat Jump

Min 3: 4-6 Odd Object Clean

Rest 2 Min between EMOMS
The variable reps prescribed is based off differing equipment availability.

For kneeling jump to Box Jump/Squat you can either jump to a sturdy object of just jump as high as you can into the air.

For the odd object clean find something you can clean up to (and possible over) your should. This could be a kid, dog, backpack, pottery, bag of sand, anything.