Friday March 6, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 1-2 Min


2 Sets of:

*All in snatch grip


7 Muscle Snatch

7 Good Morning

7 Behind the Neck Thrusters
0-15 Min RT

Deadlift (3-3-2-2-1-1)

15-35 Min RT:

Go HEAVY but don’t FAIL.

Metcon (Weight)

EMOM 12 Min:

Min 1: 4 Front Squat @ 80%

Min 2: 5 High Box Jump

Min 3: 2 Power Snatch @ 80%
35-55 Min RT

Stick to the %’s. The barbell is the same weight for the front squat and power snatch. If power snatch is significantly limiting perform SDHP.