Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 67 (No Measure)
8 Med Ball Clean and Press
8 Sit Ups
8 Samson Lunges
30 Sec Couch Stretch (/side)
30 Sec Pigeon Pose (/side)
Back Squat (E2mom 10 reps, 5 rounds)
Back Squat (Every 2min for 5 rounds 10 Reps @ 50%)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 10 minutes:
12 power snatches 115/75
12 burpees
Scale 1:
10 power snatches 75/55
10 burpees
Scale 2:
8 power snatches 65/45
8 burpees
Metcon (No Measure)
3 rounds:
3 wall climbs
12 pike pulls (feet on rower seat)
60 second hollow body hold