Friday, November 13th 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio 3

Mobility 2


2 rounds of

10 Burpees

10 Rythem Swings

5 Inch worms

5/5 Dead bugs

10 Muscle Snatches


A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Death by TTB

Minute 1: 2 reps

Minute 2: 4 reps

Minute 3: 6 reps

…Until death
Time allotted: 18mins

*If athletes will get over 18 they should do strict TTB

Scaling Options:


Death by V-up or Weighted sit-up

Minute 1: 3 reps

Minute 2: 6 reps

Minute 3: 9 reps


Death by TTB

Minute 1: 1 reps

Minute 2: 2 reps

Minute 3: 3 reps


B: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

Every 4minutes for 20minutes

30 Cal Row

10 Hang Power Snatch @115/75lbs
Scaling Options:


Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes

15-20 Cal Row

10 Hang Power Snatch @moderate


Every 4 minutes for 20 minutes

20-30 Cal Row

10 Hang Power Snatch @95/65lbs

Extra Accessory

Metcon (No Measure)

1min 90/90 Stretch hold 2sec per side

1min Bow and bend slow and controlled

1min Seated side bend stretch


