Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Cardio 3 min
Mobility 2 min
3 rounds of:
5 burpees
5 inchworms with 2 pushups
10 hollow rocks
10 banded pull aparts
A: Metcon (No Measure)
1. Emom20
odd min: 3-7 Strict HSPU (or DB L-sit press)
Even min: 15-25 lying toe touches
(20 min)
2. Accessory
2-3 rounds:
12 lying single DB Skull Crushers
12 single DB curls
15-20 banded pull aparts
(15 min)
3. 15 min of light/moderate Bike or Row
*only 3 ppl at a time for light to moderate cardio (to avoid heavy breathing) that are well spaced from each other. If there is a full class that gives everyone 15 min of cardio time.
(15 min)
***Do 1, 2, 3 in any order you like. Being that we are limited on only having 3 ppl doing cardio at once, we will have to stagger.