Friday September 14, 2018

Warm Up 58 (No Measure)

2 rounds

Run 200m

8 Toes to bar

10 Good Morning

12 Push-ups

14 Air Squats



6 Trunk Rotations

6 Windshield Wipers

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

ARMAP 13 min:

27 Deadlifts @ 255/185

27 Wall Balls @ 20/13

27 Cal Row


Scale 1:

21 Reps across

@ 185/135

Scale 2:

15 Reps across


Snatch Pull (5 x 5 @ 80-90%)

-Hips low and chest high. Really focus on extending through the hips befoe our big shrug.

-This will be a good warm up for the heavy deads in the workout.