Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Mins Cardio
3 sets:
30 single skips
5/5 dead bug KB pullover
5/5 single leg RDL + knee drive
10 PVC good mornings
0-15 Min RT
15-35 Min RT
-E90Sec for 12 mins
-3 reps @ 70%
-1 second pause in the low hang on the way up (below the knee)
GOAL: Increase strength and consistency in bar path on deadlift.
Metcon (Time)
“Awful Annie”:
For Time:
50 double unders
50 sit-ups
5 power cleans 225/155#
40 double unders
40 sit-ups
4 power cleans 225/155#
30 double unders
30 sit-ups
3 power cleans 225/155#
20 double unders
20 sit-ups
2 power cleans 225/155#
10 double unders
10 sit-ups
1 power clean 225/155#
35-55 Min RT
*Time Cap: 15 Mins*
GOAL: Heavy cleans in a metcon. High Velocity workout.