Peninsula CrossFit – Kids Class
Partner kids up and give each group a ball. Kids will perform 1 synchro burpee, then pass the ball. Repeat for 2 minutes. For the next 2 minutes, increase to 2 synchro burpees.
Balance beams and forward rolls.
Split kids into two groups. One group will practice balance beams (parallettes lined up two-thick against a mat). The other group will practice forward rolls on a mat. After 5 minutes, switch groups.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Keep kids in the same 2 groups as the warmup and line them up. They will run through:
1 forward roll
1 box jump over
15 yard run
Return to back of line.
AMRAP 7 minutes.
Scoring: Rounds + Reps
freeze tag