Monday April 13, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Join us on Zoom!

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From a Smartphone, download the zoom app and Join Session ID: 8797865035

WOD Explanation Videos:

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 1-2 Min


2 Sets of

10/10 Shoulder Taps

10/10 Ankle Taps

10 Sit Ups

10 Lungesters

5 Burpee

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

AMRAP 8 Min:

15 Lungesters

12 Sit Ups

9/9 DB Clean and Jerk

Rest 3 Min

AMRAP 8 Min:

15 Squat Jumping Jack

12 Glute Bridges

9/9 DB Snatch

Rest 3 Min

AMRAP 8 Min:

15 High Knee Squat

12 Good Morning

9/9 One Arm Swing
Lungesters = Reverse Lunge + Reverse Lunge + Squat

Squat Jumping Jack = Squat + Jumping Jack

High Knee Squat = High Knee + High Knee + Squat

Sits Ups can be leg straight if desired.

Good morning can be weighted if desired.