Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 12 Mins:
Odd: 2 Thrusters @ 75-80%
Even: 5-10 strict pullups
15-35 Min RT
GOAL: Hip power and strength hypertrophy.
-Thruster weight should feel heavy but smooth. Create speed and force at the bottom of the squat to drive the bar overhead.
-Choose a rep scheme and modification for the pull-ups such that you can complete an unbroken set and maintain control through each rep (ie. control on the negative, no dropping).
Metcon (Time)
For TIme:
Accumulate 150 wallballs 20/14#
*Every time you break, complete 10 T2B
35-55 Min RT
*15 Minute Time Cap*
GOAL: Leg and core endurance
-Choose a wallball weight/height/reps such that you can perform a set of 20 reps at minimum.
-Choose a T2B difficulty that you can go unbroken for the entire workout.