Monday April 8, 2019

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 135 (No Measure)


200m Run

10 KBS

10 WB

10 Beat Swings

Butterfly Pull Ups (8 x 4-8)

Butterfly pull ups.
If you don’t have butterfly pull ups try and work on super smooth kipping pull ups. Either way keep legs and feet together on all reps.

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 25 min:

Row/Run 750/800m

15 Deadlift @ 135/95

20 Burpees
The goal is to get 5 rounds in. If you finish 5 rounds in 25 min you are done. The deadlifts are meant be light and done unbroken. Burpees are an active recovery.

Scale 1:

Row/Run 600/600m

15 Burpees

Scale 2:

Row/Run 400m/400m

@ 95/65

12 Burpees