Warm Up 39 (No Measure)
1 Min Plank
x4 lengths Bear Crawl
15 Beat Swings
15 PVC Overhead Squats
15 Banded Pull Through
10 Banded Side Step (/side)
Clean and Press Complex (5 x 5+4+3)
5 Sets of:
5 Hang Power Clean
4 Front Squat
3 Push Jerk
Rest 2 min
-This is meant to be unbroken. We care more about the volume and quality than the weight.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 14 min:
10 Strict Pull Ups
30/25 Cal Row
10 Weighted Step Up Overs @ 50/35 & 24/20″
-Pull Ups should take no more than 3 sets, ideally 2 sets.
-Our knee should make a 90 deg angle when we step up, if we are shorter consider a smaller box.
-We want good weighted step ups. No caving at the chest or swinging the weights.
Scale 1:
Kipping Pull Ups
Scale 2:
-Banded/Jumping Pull Ups
-22/18 Cal
-35/25 @ 20/16″