Monday August 3, 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

oin us on Zoom!
From a laptop click on the link:

From a Smartphone, download the zoom app and Join Session ID:

Metcon (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min

Mobility: 2 Min


3 Sets

30 Pocket Taps

30 Sec Plank

5 Scap Push Ups/Push Ups

5 Straight Leg Sit Ups

Metcon (Time)

50/40 Cal Machine

50 Push Ups

50 Sit Ups

50 Double Unders

40/30 Cal Machine

40 Push Ups

40 Sit Ups

40 Double Unders

30/20 Cal Machine

30 Push Ups

30 Sit Ups

30 Double Unders

20/10 Cal Machine

20 Push Ups

20 Sit Ups

20 Double Unders

20 Burpees
**30 Min Time Cap**

-Consitent efforts for Cal Machine and sit ups.

-Small sets of push ups. HONESTLY, small sets. Don’t do a big set and burn out.

-If no machine perform 400m/300m/200m/100m Run.

-Please, please, please scale the number of reps to something that is manageable. If biking drop the number of Cal down by 10.