Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 82 (No Measure)
Row 500m
10 Inch worms
20 Beat Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
10 Superman hold
15 Banded Pull Through
10 Banded Side Step (/side)
Handstand Push-ups (6×3)
Tempo HSPU
3 Sec Down
2 Sec Hold at bottom
Kip Up
No hold at top
**If you don’t have a HSPU against the wall, modified is fine, change the movement to push ups 6×6.
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
7 Strict Pull Ups
14 Deadlifts @ 205/145
40 Double Unders
**18 Min Time Cap**
Scale 1:
14 @ 185/135
28 DU
Scale 2:
7 Banded Strict Pull Ups/Jumping w/ negative
14 @ 155/105
80 SU