Monday July 29, 2019

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 66 (No Measure)


12 KB Sling Shot (/side)

10 KB Deadlift

8 KB Swing

6 KB Press (/side)



30 Sec Squat Pose

30 Sec Crab Pose

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Rounds of:

3 Min AMRAP:

12 Push Ups

12 Body Rows

Rest 1 Min Between Rounds
Scale Push Ups and Rows to a number that is manageable in the beginning but will get hard towrd the end. Keep the number cosnsitent across all rounds and movements. Can body row to either a bar on the rack or rings. Play with foot positioning.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

Row 800m

20 Hang Power Clean @ 135/95

Run 800m

15 Hang Power Clean @ 155/105

Row 600m

10 Hang Power Clean @ 185/135

Run 600m

5 Hang Power Clean @ 205/145
**18 Min time Cap**

The order of the running/rowing isn’t specific. So you can start with a run or row first.

Scale 1:

Less 40 lbs for men and 30 lbs for women across all weights.

Scale 2:

600m and 400m

Less 70 lbs for men and 50 lbs for women