Saturday August 28, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)


3 rounds:

100m plate run

8 burpees

10 PVC/empty BB thrusters
0-15 Min RT

Metcon (Time)

EMOM 10 Mins:

7/5 cal bike OR 8/6 cal row OR 100m sprint

*rest 5 minutes*

then straight in to:


15 DB push press

200m run

10 DB thrusters

200m run

5 DB devil’s press

rest 60 seconds

all with 2×50/35# DB
15- 50 Min RT


– Each minute should be a sprint

-aiming for 25 sec of work with ample time to recover.


-the goal is to go unbroken with each of the DB movements.

-Pace yourself accordingly in the run.