Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Poster Warm Up (No Measure)
-Pick a Row, Run or Skip
-Pick three movements and do 15 reps.
-Vary movements each workout.
-5 min mobility
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Teams of 2:
30 Power Snatch @ 135/95
40 Cal Row/Bike
50 Wall Balls @ 20/14
1 Km Run (together)
50 Wall Ball
40 Cal Row/Bike
30 Power Cleans
-All movements will be alternating between you and your partner however you see fit, except for the run where you will run together.
-1 Bar between the partnerships and the same weight for both movements.
-You can sub one arm alt. DB snatch/clean for twice the reps (60).
-Scale calories, reps, and distance based off your abilities.
-If you have strict HSPU perform them for the first set of HSPU.