Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
AMRAP 18 mins:
Alternate between max rep DB strict press and max rep thrusters.
Each time you break perform:
8 reverse burpees
8 situps
8 regular burpees
For example:
max rep DB strict press
8 reverse burpees
8 situps
8 regular burpees
max rep DB thrusters
8 reverse burpees
8 situps
8 regular burpees
max rep DB strict press
8 reverse burpees
8 situps
8 regular burpees
For the max rep set you are aiming for a challenging set but don’t go to absolute failure especially in the beginning. You want to maintain some strength for future rounds.
Depending on the weight of the KB/DB you have adjust to push press or push jerk if its on the heavier side for you.
Score is total # of DB strict press and total # of DB thrusters.