Thursday August 30, 2018

Warm Up 48 (No Measure)

Bear Crawls (4 lengths)

10 Hand Release Push Ups

12 Beat Swings/Ring Rows

14 PVC Overhead Squats

16 AbMat Sit Ups



30 Sec Goblet Squat

30 Sec Crab Pose

Clean and Jerk Complex (5 x 3+2)

5 Sets of:

4 Power Clean

2 Split Jerk
-Build weight slowly.

-Try and split in both directions.

Metcon (Time)


Hang Power Cleans @ 115/85

Wall Balls 20/14
*13 min time cap*

Scale 1:

@ 95/65

Scale 2:


@ 65/45

@ 14/10