Thursday December 7, 2017

Warm Up 65 (No Measure)

Row 750m

15 Burpee Broad Jump

20 PVC Pass Throughs

20 Box Step Ups



10 Hydrant with Leg Extension (/side)

10 Rainbows (/side)

EMOM 10 Complex (10×1)

Power Clean and Push Press + Hang Squat Clean and Thruster

Nate (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20-Minute AMRAP of:

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 Kettlebell Swings, 70#
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq.
To learn more about Nate click here
Scale 1:

Chest to Bar

Abmat/Box HSPU


Scale 2:

Jumping/Banded C2B

L-Sit DB Press


Class Schedule

Group training

Our classes combine cardio with strength training in a variety of ways. No matter how frequently you attend, you won’t feel like you’re doing the same exercises again and again. These high-intensity classes are an hour long.


Although yoga may seem contrary to the high intensity of our group classes, our classes perfectly complement your other workout experiences improving your flexibility. We have experienced instructors to guide you through lessons.

Open gym

Our memberships come with open gym time so that you can come and train on your schedule. During open gym sessions, you can come in for unguided gym time and work toward your fitness goals. The coaching staff is available to assist you during any open gym session.

Our pricing

We offer membership options starting at just $199 a month. Learn more about our pricing options by clicking the button.
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