Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
New Members: Be sure to request to join our “Peninsula CrossFit Members” private group on Facebook!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Cardio: 3 Min
Mobility: 2 Min
3 Sets:
7 Hang Muscle Clean
7 Push Press
7 Barbell Jump Squat
0-15 Min RT
Metcon (Time)
5 RFT:
5 Clean and Jerk
10 Box Jump
Rest 1 Min
15-45 Min RT
-Go heavy and challenge yourself on the Clean and Jerk. Fast singles or tough and go 3 and 2.
-Clean up your box jump technique. Jump over top of the box, not just to it. Don’t squat on the box once you land, stop yourself and stand up.
Metcon (No Measure)
100 Hollow Body Rocks
-Not for time
45-55 Min