Thursday June 13, 2019


Warm Up 179 (No Measure)

60 Sec Cardio
5/5 Bird Dog (hold 3-5 sec)
5/5 Deadbug (hold 3-5 sec)
25′ Quadruped Crawl
25′ Walking Spiderman Stretch

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

E3MOM for 18 Min
2 Rnds of:
10 OHS @ 95/65
10 Burpee Over Bar
There are 6 rounds total here. You want your first few rounds completed under 2 mins here. We don’t want a huge die off in time over the rounds so scale accordingly.

Scale 1:
@ 65/45 or @ 95/65 front squats

Scale 2:
PVS OH Squat or @ 45/35 front squat

Metcon (No Measure)

5 Sets Max Wattage on Assault Bike

-Rest 2-4 min between sets
-Use the first 5 seconds to slowly accelerate and push as hard as you can until your wattage maxes out.