Warmp Up 34 (No Measure)
12 Burpees
12 T2b/Knee Raises
12 Supermans
12 PVC Pass Throughs
30 Sec Plank
30 Sec Glute Bridge
Complex (5-5-5-5-5)
5 Sets of:
3 Front Squat +
2 Split Jerk
@ Ascending
Focus here is working on our jerk with fatigued legs. On your dip, focus on keeping a vertical upper body and bend your knees forward and outward.
Metcon (Time)
2 RFT:
50 Wall Ball @ 20/14
30 Cal Row
10 Bar Muscle Up
**15 Min Time Cap**
No movement throughout the workout should take more than 3 sets to complete. Use that to help determine your scaling. 25 Cal Row for assault bike.
Scale 1:
30 or 50 @ 16/12
20 Cal
20 C2B or Banded BMU
Scale 2:
30 @ 14/10
15 Cal
20 Ring Row