Thursday, November 19th 2020

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Cardio 3

Mobility 2


2 rounds:

-15 Banded pull aparts

-10 prone W-Y

-10 scap push ups

-5 wall walks or 20sec nose to wall HS hold or 20sec Pike hold


Spend 5mins practicing the Turkish get-up steps


A: Metcon (Time)

For Time

20 KB alternating Turkish Get-ups

30 KBS right

30 KBS left

30 KB FR lunges left

30 KB FR lunges right

20 KB alternating Turkish Get-ups

TC: 20mins

Scaling Options:


For Time

20 KB alternating TGU @light

60 KBS

60 KB goblet lunges or bodyweight lunges

20 alternating KB TGU


For Time

20 KB alternating TGU @light

30 KBS right

30 KBS left

30 KB FR lunges left

30 KB FR lunges right

20 alternating KB TGU


B: Metcon (Weight)

Bottom up KB Carry

3 x 50’/arm @as heavy as possible
Goal: Shoulder stability

Points of performance:

– Make sure you’re not using your grip to stabilize the KB.

Extra Accessory

Metcon (Weight)

Unilateral KB single leg RDL

3 x 12/side
