Thursday November 25, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 12 Mins:

Min 1: 1-2 rope climbs or rope pulls

Min 2: 3-5 high box jumps

Min 3: 30 sec HSPU skill work
This is time to work on 3 separate skills.

For the ropes, focus more on the skill of climbing the rope (ie. footing technique) than the actual rep itself, even if you are just making it partway up the rope.

For the box jumps, pick a height that is higher than you normally use, but still comfortable. Focus on bringing feet up high and a soft landing.

For the HSPU time, practice a more advanced level for you. Practice kicking to the wall, practice deficit, practice strict.

Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

Assault Bike

Every 4 Mins x 5 sets:

Set 1: 21 cals

Set 2: 15 cals

Set 3: 9 cals

Set 4: 15 cals

Set 5: 21 cals
30-55 Min RT

GOAL: Anaerobic threshold