Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Pull-ups (3 x Max)
Ring Dips (3 x Max)
15-30 Min RT
GOAL: Upper push/pull hypertrophy.
**Rest 90 Sec between both sets, no rest between push/pull**
-If over 12 reps do these weighted, but make sure you stay over 8 reps every set.
-This is not to failure, stop 1-2 reps before failure.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds:
1 Min: S2OH @ 135/95 lbs
1 Min Double Unders
1 Min: Sit Ups
1 Min: Cal Row
1 Min: Rest
30-55 Min RT
GOAL: Strength Endurance.
-Don’t go crazy, think 8/10 RPE. Hold back just a little bit. We are attemping to maximize the accumulated volume.
-Give yourself enough time to transition.