Tuesday April 16, 2019

Warm Up 139 (No Measure)


200m Row

10 Plate Flips

5 Behind he neck snatch grip Push Press


20 Duck Walk (forward and back)

Metcon (Weight)

30 TGU @ 53/35

-switch every 5
Scale weight as needed. Use a DB if technique requires it.

This isn’t for time. You should be able to do at least 10 reps at a time.

This is about going slow and controlled. You want it to take as long as possible.

Metcon (Time)

3 x 3 Rounds for time

10 Thrusters @ 95/65

10/8 Cal Row

Rest 3 Min between sets of 3 rounds.
**18 Min Time Cap**

Working sets should take us no more than 4 minutes.

Scale 1:

8 @ 75/55

8/6 Cal Row

Scale 2:

8 @ 55/35

6/5 Cal Row