Tuesday August 21, 2018

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 40 (No Measure)

2:00 Min Double Unders/Skipping

20 PVC Thrusters

20 PVC Pass Throughs

20 Duck Walks (half forward/back)

10 Superman (holding PVC)

10 Hollow Hold (holding PVC)



10 Hydrant w/ leg extension (/side)

10 Rainbows (/side)

Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)

5 Sets of:

6 DB Bent Over Row/Arm

6 DB Bench Press, both arms

6 DB Bicep Curl, both arms
-Have fun with this.

-Do an entire set one movement into the next then rest once the set is done, it’s not for time though.

-You can use KB for heavier press and rows if needed.

Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:

20 KBS @ 70/53

10 Clean and Jerk @ 135/95
*18 min time cap*

Scale 1:

20 @ 53/35

10 @ 105/75

Scale 2:

20 @ 45/25

10 @ 75/55