Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
ALL EVENING CLASSES ARE CANCELLED tonight as our parking lot and roads are not clear. Stay tuned for updates regarding tomorrow AM classes. Stay safe and have fun!
Warm Up 153 (No Measure)
300m Run
10 Hollow Body Y Pulls
10 Hollow Body Lat Pull Down
10 Jumping Ring Dips
5 Negative Chin Ups
Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 10:
Odd: 4-8 Rope Pull Ups
Even: 4-8 Ring Dips
Choose a consistent number of reps across both movements to stick with. Switch hands on top for rope pulls. Attempt strict ring dips but kip if you need to.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
20/16 Cal Row
5 Hang Power Clean @ 185/135
20/16 Cal Row
10 Hang Power Clean
20/16 Cal Row
15 Hang Power Clean
**14 Min Time Cap**
Scale 1:
16/13 Cal Row
8 Modified HSPU
@ 135/95
Scale 2:
13/10 Cal Row
12 L-Sit DB Press
@ 95/65
If you do Assault bike do one scale less for calories.