Tuesday January 29, 2019

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

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Warm Up 78 (No Measure)


10 Med Ball Clean and Wall Ball

10 Kick to Handstand

10 PVC Pass Through



30 Sec Couch Stretch (/side)

30 Sec Pigeon Pose (/side)

Front Squat (4×4 @ 75-80%)

Keep the bar high and tight. If you elbows drop or back rounds drop weight.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

All with a 50/35 lbs DB

150 Double Unders

15 S2OH Right

25′ OH Walking Lunge Right

15 S2OH Left

25′ OH Walking Lunge Left

30 T2B

15 Thrusters Right

25′ OH Walking Lunge Right

15 Thrusters Left

25′ OH Walking Lunge Left

150 Double Unders
**15 Min Time Cap**

Scale 1:

75 DU

@ 35/25

20 T2B

Scale 2:

200 SU

@ 25/15

30 Leg Raises