Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 45 (No Measure)
800m Run
15 Burpee to Handstand
15 Beat Swings
6 knee hug leg drop (/side)
6 worlds greatest stretch (/side)
Thrust and Jerk (4 x 5)
4 Sets @ 75% (across)
3 Thrusters
2 Split Jerk
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Min AMRAP:
15 Front Squats @ 135/95
50 DU
15 C2B
Aim for no more than 2-3 sets on Front squats and C2B.
Scale 1:
12 @ 115/80
12 Pull Ups
Scale 2:
12 @ 95/65
75 SU
12 Modified Pull Ups or Ring Rows