Warm Up 26 (No Measure)
10 Wall Ball Squats
10 Wall Ball Sit Up and throws
10 Wall Ball Overhead Lunge
30 Sec Couch Stretch (/side)
30 Sec Pigeon Pose (/side)
Ring Dips (6 x 3-6)
-Pause 2 sec @ top and bottom
-Assist as necessary
Push Press (3×8)
Metcon (Time)
4 RFT:
50′ Handstand Walk or 4 Wall Climbs
10 Thrusters @ 115/75
400m Run
*19 min time cap*
Scale 1:
25′ HS Walk or 2 Wall Climbs
10 @ 95/65
Scale 2:
200′ Walk with DB in overhead press (challenging)
10 @ 65/45
200m Run