Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 24 (No Measure)
400m Run
10 Pull Ups
10 Burpee Broad Jumps
15 AbMat Sit Ups
20 PVC Pass Throughs
Burgener Warm Up
Power Clean and Jerk (5x(2+1))
5 Sets of:
2 Power Clean
1 Split Jerk
@ 50-60%
-Focus on pulling the bar into your hip and then onto your shoulders as you rotate your elbows forward.
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
E4MOM x4
Run 400m
12 Push Ups
6 Deadlifts @ 225/155
-Goal is to move with a consistent pace. If your first round is not less than 3 min you must scale work back. Deadlifts must be done in one set.
Scale 1:
300m Run
Scale 2:
200m Run
Knee Push Ups
@ 135/95