Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Cardio 3 Mins
Mobility 2 Mins
EMOM 9 mins:
1-10 snatch RDL
2-10 hang power snatch
3-10 OH squat
with PVC or empty barbell
0-15 Min RT
Snatch Complex (5×3)
5 sets @ 65-75%
1 snatch high pull
1 hang snatch
1 squat snatch
15-30 Min RT
Focus is on the second pull. Keep bar close to the body, shoulders must stay above the bar until it reaches your hips.
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
4 rounds of:
AMRAP 4 minutes:
10 alternating pistols
15 situps
30 double unders
30-55 Min RT
– Rest 2 minutes between each AMRAP
-Restart at the beginning of each AMRAP