Tuesday October 26, 2021

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Sets of:

3 Min AMRAP:

3-5 RMU/5-10 C2B

15 abmat situps

Max Cal Row in remaining time

1 Min rest between AMRAPs
15-40 Min RT

GOAL: Upper body gymnastics power endurance

-The goal for the RMU/C2B in each round is your biggest unbroken set, so pick your reps based on your ability.

-Score is total cals over the 5 sets.

Metcon (No Measure)

4 RNFT (Accessory):

10 Wall Facing Hip Taps

30 Sec Plank

12 Skull Crushers

30 Sec Hollow Hold
40-55 Min RT