Tuesday October 29, 2019

Warm up (No Measure)

Cardio: 3 Min
Mobility: 1-2 Min
10 Scap Pulls/Push
10/10 One Arm Bent Over Row
10/10 One Arm KB Bottom Up Press
10/10 One Arm KB Thrusters
50’/50′ One Arm KB OH Carry

Muscle Up complex (5×6-10 reps)

5 sets:
2-5 ring pull ups
2-5 ring muscle ups

Do not reach failure. Adjust reps so that each rep is performed with good form.
bar pullups + bar muscle ups

kipping pullup + C2B pullups

ring rows + jumping pullups

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM 20 mins:
Odd: 6 burpees + 5 hang power cleans @ 60% of 1RM clean
Even: 8/6 cal. row + 5 front squats @ same weight

You should have a 15 sec. rest on each minute. If not, adjust # of burpees and calories.

Variation 1:
5 burpees
5 cal row
barbell @ 50%

Variation 2:
4 burpees
4 cal row
barbell @50%