Wednesday April 10, 2019

Warm Up 136 (No Measure)


15/12 Cal Row

50 DU

15 G2OH @ 45/35 lbs plate

Deadlift (5×6 @ 65-75%)

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 16 Min:

10 HPC @ 155/105

12 Front Squat @ 155/105

15 Box Jumps @ 24/20″
This is all about barbell cycling. Box jumps are for recovery, do not rebound. We should maintain no less than 5 unbroken reps throughout the entire workout.

Scale 1:

8 @ 105/80

10 @ 105/80


Scale 2:

2 @ 75/55

10 @ 75/55

10 @ 20/16″