Warm Up 141 (No Measure)
10 Hollow Body Lat Pull Down
10 Hollow Body Y Pull
10 Banded Fly
10 Banded Pull Apart
10 Banded Good Morning
10 Banded Air Squat (around knees)
Muscle Up Accessory (4 x (4-8+1))
Ring Dips + Muscle Up Negative
-The rings will be at muscle up height, you will either muscle up into them or jump into them using boxes or a spotter. Complete your dips and then perform a strict and slow muscle up negative back to full extension.
Metcon (Time)
Deadlift @ 155/105
Wall Ball @ 20/14
**12 Min Time Cape**
This is a sprint style workout. No more than 2 sets on the round of 21 down. We should never rest longer than 5 seconds at any one time. Just pick up the bar or wall ball.
Scale 1:
Scale 2: