Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm Up 41 (No Measure)
5 min of:
1 KB Snatch
1 KB Push Press
1 KB TGU (from top)
1 KB Windmill
30 sec Bar Hang
30 sec Handstand Hold
Overhead Squat (7-5-3-5-7)
-We will score this as a 3 rep max, but don’t think of it as a max just a heavy lift for the day. All the sets matter. Rest 2 min between lifts.
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
20 Wall Ball 20/14
200m Run
20 DB S2OH @ 55/35
200m Run
*20 min tim cap*
-Split the S2OH into 5 reps/arm.
-Use a KB if you’d like but you better be holding it in the proper front rack.
Scale 1:
Scale 2:
15 @ 16/10
100m (around building)
15 @ 35/25
100m (around building)