Warm Up 90 (No Measure)
2 minutes skipping
20 Walking lunge
20 PVC overhead squats
20 Mountain climbers
6 Worlds Greatest Stretch (/side)
6 knee hug/leg drop (/side)
Power Clean (EMOM 30 seconds x 8 rounds)
Two singles every 30 seconds at 50-60% of 1RM – do not go over this percentage!!
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
14 minute AMRAP:
6 squat snatches @ 115/75lbs
200m run
12 T2B
200m run
Aim for unbroken movements and recover on the run
Scale 1:
Squat snatches @ 75/55
Or power snatches at 95/65
9 T2B
Scale 2:
Power snatches @ 45/35 or SDHP @ 65/45
9 modified T2B or 12 Sit Ups
Metcon (Weight)
Accessory work (if time permits):
3 sets:
12 straight arm pull overs
12 skull crushers