Warm Up 105 (No Measure)
3 Min Row
3 Rounds:
8 RIng Rows
8 Scap Pull Ups
8 Beat Swings
6 Worlds Greatest Stretch (/side)
6 Leg drop knee Hug (/side)
Choose one of the below movements and achieve a one rep max. This is a true one rep max and will be an all out effort. 20 min to work through this.
Deadlift (1)
Bench Press (1)
Back Squat (1)
Choose one of the below movements and achieve a max rep effort. This is a true max rep and will be an all out effort. 12 min to work through this.
Pull-ups (1)
Weighted Pull-ups (1)
Muscle-ups (1)
Handstand Push-ups (1)
Choose one of the below workouts and get your best score. 12 min to work through this.
1-Min Bike (Calories)
1-Min Bike for Calories
500m Row (Time)
Max Effort 500m Row