All classes are on today, but please be careful in the parking lot as its VERY ICY!!!
Warm-up (No Measure)
Cardio: 3 Mins
Mobility: 2 Mins
then, 3 rounds:
5 jump to ring support
6 burpees
7 ring rows
8 pushups
Metcon (2 Rounds for weight)
EMOM 10:
Odd: 10 tall kneeing DB press (5/side) (hold non-moving DB at forehead height)
Even: 10 DB floor press
Record 1 score for tall kneeling press weight and 1 score for floor press weight
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
Each round for time:
At the 0:00 clock:
15 power cleans 155/105
20 Burpees over bar
25 calorie row
5 ring muscle ups
At the 8:00 clock:
5 ring muscle ups
25 calorie row
20 burpees over bar
15 power cleans 155/105
**16 Min Time Cap**
15 power cleans 115/80
20 burpees over bar
25 calorie row
7 muscle up progressions
15 power cleans 95/65
15 burpees over bar
20 calorie row
10 ring rows + 10 ring dips