Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Sets of:
10 Samson Stretch
5/5 Worlds Greatest Stretch
5/5 Single Leg Glute Bridge
10/8 Cal Sprint
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM 12 Min:
Min 1: 3 Snatch Balance @ Light-Mod
Min 2: Seated Single Leg Box Jump 5/Side
Min 3: 3 Position Snatch High Pull*
15-30 Min RT
Goal: Improve pulling and receiving positions
-To modify seated single leg box jump just perform a seated single leg jump.
-*Hold each position for 3 sec.
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
Every 4 Min for 20 Min:
8-12 HSPU
5 Front Squats @ 185/135 lbs
30-55 Min RT
GOAL: Short and fast workout with heavy bars.
-These are high intensity sprints.
-HSPU should be done in 2 sets max per set.