Wednesday June 26, 2019

Warm Up 41 (No Measure)

5 min of:
1 KB Snatch
1 KB Push Press
1 KB TGU (from top)
1 KB Windmill
30 sec Bar Hang
30 sec Handstand Hold

Snatch (5×5)

EMOM 5 Min
5 Reps @ 60-65%
Rest 1 Min between the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. The weight/volume here isn’t overly aggressive. Warm both lifts up and add weight on your 1 Min rest.

Clean and Jerk (5 x 5)

EMOM 5 Min
3 Clean +
2 Jerk @ 60-65%

Metcon (Time)

Deadlift @ 275/185
Ring Muscle Up
**12 Min Time Cap**

This workout is all about the upper body pull in the MU. Our first round of 12 MU should be done in no more than 3 sets.

Scale 1:
@ 225/155
9-6-3 MU (Ring or Bar)
12-9-6 C2B and Ring Dip

Scale 2:

Ring Rows and Push Ups