Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit
EMOM 4 Mins:
3 TNG snatch @ 65-70%
Rest 4 Mins, then
Clean and Jerk
EMOM 4 Mins:
3 TNG clean and jerk @ 65-70%
15-35 Min RT
GOAL: Power endurance
-The weight on the bar should feel good each set, we are focusing on barbell cycling.
-Choose squat or power for the squat, but if squat is a weakness for you this is a good opportunity to work on it.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 Rounds:
20 sec Bike (all out!)
40 sec rest
20 sec max Thrusters @75/55#
1:40 rest
35-55 Min RT
GOAL: Speed endurance
-This is an all out max effort workout.
-The weight on the barbell must be light and allow you to move quickly. You are aiming for 12-15 reps within the 20 second window.
-Score is total cals plus total thrusters.