Wednesday May 18, 2022

Peninsula CrossFit – CrossFit

Metcon (Weight)

Every 1:15 for 8 rounds

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 2 Front Squats

Rest 30-45 Sec
15-30 Min RT

-Weight should feel doable with sharp technique. ~ 65-75%

Metcon (Time)

3 Sets

Run 200m

6 DB Burpee 50/35lbs

40 Double Unders

Rest 60 Sec

Run 200m

12 Alt. DB Snatch @ 50/35 lbs

4/4 Kickstand Goblet Pistol Squat Right/Left @ 50/35 lbs

Rest 60 Sec
30-55 Min RT

**20 Min Time Cap**

-Scale reps, wieght , and movements accordingly.

-Transitions should be immediate, the only rest should be during prescribed rest periods.
