Wednesday October 17, 2017

Warm Up 20 (No Measure)

300m Row

10 Sit Ups

10 Push Ups

10 Air Squats

10 Ring Rows

10 Good Mornings



6 Worlds Greatest Stretch (/side)

6 Knee Hug/leg drop (/side)

Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 Rounds for time of



Overhead Squats (95-115-135-155/65-80-95-105)

Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Max Barbell Burpee

Rest 3:00
Scale 1:

M: 75-95-115-135

W: 55-65-80-95

Scale 2:

M: 55-65-80-95

W: 35-45-55-65

Score is Max Burpees in each round. Each Rounds the reps descend in number but the weight goes up.

Durante Core (AMRAP – Reps)

5 rds

10 Hollow Rocks

10 V-Ups

10 Tuck Ups

10 sec. Hollow Hold

– Rest 1 min –

*Scale reps to a manageable amount per set.